Software Technology Park of India through its Kolhapur Branch organised a meet at Kolhapur on 28/04/2006. Disscusing the Facilities that STPI provided Mr.P.Venugopal the Director STPI elaborated the STP , EHTP , Datacommunication Services , Incubation Facilities , Hosting Facilities etc. All these services are available across all the 44 branches of STPI is what he emphasiesd. However the BPO and IT industry at Kolhapur has a different story to tell. When asked for server co-location , web-hosting & like services Pramod Kulkarni the Asst.Director STPI said no company has approached us so far for these services at Kolhapur & if any one does we will be providing the infrastructure.
The kolhapur scenario is quite diffrent as all the major businesses have not yet waken up to IT & thus are not interested in Investing. Outside Investers may or may not be interested in Kolhapur due to lack of knowledge about the City & the ammneties it can provide. So that leaves on SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprise) , One Man Company or an Individual Enterprenuer to use and make good of Kolhapur. The question that now arises is whether STPI and like organisation do really have something for this segment. Though the authorities at STPI have been stating that they have considered this class and have services for them as well but the ground reality seems to be diffrent. In practicality the SMEs or Individuals will not or rather can not go through all the the procedure to become an STPI recognised unit. That becomes even more true in B & C Class cities. So to make Kolhapur an developed IT Centre organisations such as STPI and others must develop the facilities & plans which will be beneficial and accessible to SMEs and Individuals.
Is it possible for Kolhapur to become an IT City . . . ?
Answers Invited . . .
The kolhapur scenario is quite diffrent as all the major businesses have not yet waken up to IT & thus are not interested in Investing. Outside Investers may or may not be interested in Kolhapur due to lack of knowledge about the City & the ammneties it can provide. So that leaves on SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprise) , One Man Company or an Individual Enterprenuer to use and make good of Kolhapur. The question that now arises is whether STPI and like organisation do really have something for this segment. Though the authorities at STPI have been stating that they have considered this class and have services for them as well but the ground reality seems to be diffrent. In practicality the SMEs or Individuals will not or rather can not go through all the the procedure to become an STPI recognised unit. That becomes even more true in B & C Class cities. So to make Kolhapur an developed IT Centre organisations such as STPI and others must develop the facilities & plans which will be beneficial and accessible to SMEs and Individuals.
Is it possible for Kolhapur to become an IT City . . . ?
Answers Invited . . .
Kolhapur seems to have all the ingrediants to be a IT hub.The ppl in kolhapur need to know this and the political and investment community should get more active.Mind set of the big investors in kolhapur needs to change.
Anonymous, at Friday, May 19, 2006 1:43:00 AM
Kolhapur is less than one hour from mumbai by flight well connected to pune mumbai hydrabad blore yet the progress in kolhapur is slow.Kolhapur and kolhapuris should go out to the world and let ppl know what a nice place this is for investment.Not much is known about kpur to ppl in India why.The developers and builders of kolhapur should take a bigger part in pramoting kpur.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 06, 2006 6:30:00 AM
This issue has been discussed long back in 1997 and 1998 when this site was not there. To get internet node also we had to followup bsnl very badly, the then gm Mr r sanyal was the gem of the person who was keen to have all such facilities at Kolhapur. Many it guys from kolhapur wanted to do something fro Kolhapur. Nobody from govt nor from local people responded properly.The It park is the great building developed but the persuasion wiht industry could not work properly. Now it is too late.We had discussed these issues in and Vasant Manwadkar an NRK was the only suporter tried very hard but nobody responded him
Anonymous, at Friday, June 16, 2006 8:53:00 AM
Rajendra Sir,
The stituation in 97-98 might be quite different from the one today. Today we believe that many people have started thinking about Kolhapur. Our website is also a step towards making people more aware about IT and its use in developing the city. Might be its to late to discuss IT Park, but IT Industry sure has some future at Kolhapur
Kolhapur World, at Friday, June 16, 2006 7:16:00 PM
hi,why do we think of it industies only?
Is this the only industry in the world?
Infact textile, mechanical,automobile industries are such kind of industries who offer a vast array of employment generation oppurtunities, our middle class populations.This are such industries which are well established here we should look to get more investments in such industries and leave it-industries to mumabai,pune, chhenai bangalore etc.
This will certai\nly maintain the balance of migrating population to mumbai.
Yuvraj L. Desai
Anonymous, at Monday, July 17, 2006 2:42:00 AM
Our Kop city and adjecnt area having so many types of sources, but our Kolhapurkars must try to know that and develop our city with using that. It means geographical,financiel,land,electricity,water and all. Kolhapur is well conected to Mumbai,Pune,Bangalore.Kolhapur having its own history.but even about development kolhapur having less importence,as compair to Nasik and Aurangabad, we have not any big industry in Kolhapur related to Automobile,IT,Pharmacuitical etc etc. Our Kolhapur is very rich in culture but about development it having some limitation still, for the well nad fast development it require political support and invite to big orgenizations to set thier firms in kolhapur to decreases the unemplyoyementness.otherwise intelligent kolhapurkar are always go outside for thier progress.
Anonymous, at Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:40:00 AM
Dear Citizens of Kolhapur,
I am writing to you as one of the fellow citizen. As “Kolhapuris”, we are proud citizens, with Rich cultural heritage, highly fertile land around and had been a very rich historical princely state.
In spite of this fact, I beg to have a retrospection of the economical progress of our city in last 10 years. Compared to the other “newly industrialized” other cities in Maharashtra, we have moved forward very little or really speaking, no where.
Please note that the living standard of any city depends on mainly on value additions taking place in the city. This can be due to Agricultural income, Industrial or manufacturing value addition, knowledge based value addition and trading activities in the city.
If you consider our city, we have relatively good agricultural incomes in surrounding areas, but please take notice of the farmer’s plights now a days and how much it has actually contributed and added to the living standards in Kolhapur area.
Please also note that, all over the world, including in India, the living standards of the cities is now a day largely decided by industrial and knowledge based value added in the city. In this respect, we must admit that, we have attracted very little investments in our district. This has to change, if we want better living standard in Kolhapur.
Please note that investments can only be attracted mainly by offering better infrastructure in the city, talented manpower and local supports for the industrial initiatives. For all these or for lack of it, we must not blame the “government” all the time. If any serious investor visits our city, he is greeted by meter deep pot holes right at the entrance of Kolhapur! And shamefully, even after many protests, no permanent measures are taking place – only patch works are being started!
Dear Fellow citizens, we are systematically taken for a ride. When our ministers visit our city, they (false) praise us to such a level that we elect them next time! Please ask them, what kind of concrete measures are taken by these very ministers to bring in big mega projects to Kolhapur – not a single. Ours is a well connected city, have very good local talent pool, then why investments are not coming in? The main reasons, I feel is that, our place is not marketed enough as an investment destination for the industrial and knowledge based activities. This task must be taken up by us and no outsider will help us in this regard.
Some of the simple things, what we as citizens can do are:
We must demand our local administration our right for better infra-structure. To start with, the roads must be improved across the city. The patch work is not enough; we must demand that the main roads must be redone completely. Please ask the local members of Municipal Corporation what efforts they have made in this direction. I sincerely feel that very few local body members are ever concerned regarding real “real issues” like good roads and good quality drinking water. They are all busy with their 6 monthly musical chairs game. Have we noticed, how many decades we are “planning” to have an over bridge across a single railway crossing near Temblabai naka. We must demand that all the busy roads must be done with concrete. We must also ask, what kind of plan our city planners have done for Kolhapur for next 20 years!
We must demand and actively support new industrial projects in our area. The local media can also definitely help this respect. Instead of highlighting some accidents or negative happenings in the city, they should highlight economic and industrial activities, which generate positive thinking in the city. This will also help to build up the professional culture in our city.
While electing local municipal members, pleases go for voting! If educated people do not vote, only thugs will be getting elected – you know how! Please ask what are the qualifications of these local body candidates – you will be shocked! Please elect able, willing and educated candidate. The well known “pakit-culture” must stop.
Lastly, with due respect to our local kolhapuri accent, I really feel that, we must improve our language proficiency – especially in English, which is a world language now for all businesses. This will definitely help us in promoting our city nationally and also internationally.
Dear Kolhapuris, only we can help our self. Wake up and see the out side world, it is changing fast. We can not afford to be day dreaming. Start promoting our city aggressively for industrial activity; demand our rights from the local administration.
Yours sincerely,
A fellow Kolhapuri
Anonymous, at Sunday, June 17, 2007 12:52:00 AM
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