The Typical Kolhapuri
Welcome to one of the slowest city of the nation. Well we are very proud to be Kolhapuri or Kolhapurkar but still there are quite a few things in Kolhapuri Life Style that need to be changed. This first and foremost thing is that we must be ready to expect change. We must get out of our Rigid Mindset and explore the excitment , the challenges , the glory that change brings. Typically Kolhapur business knows how to make money, but does not know how to spend it. The shops at Kolhapur will open not before 10:30 in the morning. The city virtually stops in the afternoon from 1 to 4. People don't work during this time. The Offices close by 6:30 p.m, The shops will wrap up by 8:00 - 8:30. The bakeries will close down by 10 p.m. The Restaurants close the kitchen by 11 p.m. Thus the city sleeps by 11:30 or so. No Night Life. Well this might seem very odd. But there are quite a few people who make the most of even this. Until recently the Central ST stand had small Tea Stalls and Snacks stalls open all night long. So this was the place Night Lifers used to hang about. But thanks to the Police this place also has been virutally shut off for night.
What we need today is Change a change in Mindset. Well its not that we must go Parting all nights long as the metros. Neither must we start working from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm. But still the work attitude must change. We have to become more professional towards our source of earning and more casual with our personal lives.
And yes one important thing KOLHAPUR still continues to be one of the High Per Capita Place in the Country !!! Do we need to change . . . ?
Yes, this very true that Kolhapur is very slow in terms of industrial development.
I stayed in kolhapur since childhood.
I left kolhapur in 1998 for work to Mumbai, since then whenever I visit kolhapur I have not seen any of chnages, excpet the roads are little improved in some of areas.
Regarding Life Style of city, it is good that we do not have NightLife, making the city SAFE.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 04, 2006 1:30:00 PM
That’s true; we have to change our mindset. We are still satisfied only as being Kolhapuri. Nothing progress. Neither at corporation level nor at any other level. There is so much potential to sprout out and it is not like we don’t have money. I think Kolhapur has highest per capita income in India.
I really enjoyed being at ST stand at night and having hot Chinese food and Kolhapuri Wada. But that also banned and you are right there is no night life in Kolhapur. I am not saying about night club life or other things but Kolhapur gets silent after 11 and no rush in the city.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:03:00 AM
HI this is Bhagyashree , I m born and bought up in Kplhapur...
Now i m working in Pune and living in Pune with my husbond he is also from Kolhapur.
Both of us would like some changes in kolhapur .....
New industries should be welcomed ... specially Software companies... those will help in developement of Kolhapur ..
People seems to be narrow minded in certain things.. that need to be changed...
And Quality of Education needs to be considered....
That;s ALL!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 08, 2006 12:52:00 AM
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