Rains , Rains & More Rains !!!
Kolhapur over the past few weeks has faced a heavy rainfall. Though the situation has not worsen as much as the neighbouring Sangli & Satara. But still rains have affected a lot of places especially small villages located on the banks of river Panchganga. Also in some villages of Shirol and nearby places the water flowing from Koyna Dam at 44823 Q/Sec has also caused a lot if trouble.There are a few small and big Dams build across the path of the river flow helping to check the nuisance caused by flowing water. While writing this Radhanagri Dam was reported to dipose off 3200 Q/Sec water while the water level was 36 ft at the rajaram dam of Kolhapur. Lots of villages lost contact, many are relocated to safer places and much is being done to prevent the damage caused by the daffling rains. Last year we saw one of the heaviest rains which resulted in Flood and caused a very damage. However though this year we have more rains as compare to last year, but this time the rain is not pouring continously. After 2-3 days of Heavy non stop showers we have a couple of days of soft rains. This has provided the city with some relief as the routine life in not distrubed much. This time the machinery was prepared for relief and resque, so help of Miltary, Para-Miltary and other teams was at Hand. Learning from last years Experiance some villages which were prone to suffer were provided assistance even prior to the rains opening up. The farmers however expected this season to be good and did their routine pre-monsoon activities, but nature had different concept at hand. Another news was that Government has sanction funds for raising the height of few bridges and building some new ones so that even in case of heavy floods no village should remain without land contact. However nature has its own rules and will always rule.
The rest of story in pictures . . .
The rest of story in pictures . . .

May god bless the ones affected in floods.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 08, 2006 6:43:00 AM
good post
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:35:00 AM
good article by sunny
Unknown, at Tuesday, November 04, 2008 6:04:00 PM
d informatoin about kolhapur city..........
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 04, 2008 11:03:00 PM
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